There are lots of different screen types in
5gVision depending on the exact product you are using.
Each screen will contain specific
Modules needed to perform all or most of the tasks pertinent to the described functional purpose of the screen.
When you create or edit a screen via
Add/edit menu there is a corresponding drop-down table available that allows you to choose a screen type in convenient way.
All the screen types are grouped in compliance with products and can be chosen as a whole folder of screens or as a separate screen.
The most commonly used screens include:
- Folder
- VoIP statistics
- SRC/DST numbers
- SNMP statistics
- Traffic collector
- IP whitelist
- Rate management screens
- CDR comparison
- Route testing dialer
- Various config screens
After adding a screen with multiple blocks in it, you may change the type of each block
individually through the
Pencil icon in the
Top menu. You may, thus,
create a screen with 2 blocks, and have an
Alert log in one block, and
Config-Alerts block in the other, being able to see the configs and the resulting alerts at the same time.
All screens may also act like folders and contain other screens.
Config screens are only accessible for users with admin rights.
There is also a special folder
Received screens that will contain all screens that were
cloned to you by other users. Once the screen is cloned - it becomes an independent screen
and any changes to it are not propagated to the original screen.