User interface manual

Easy to use and intuitive interface is a key to mordern productivity. With drag and drop, customizable menus items one can build as complex or as simple a solution that one needs.


Menu tree on the left of a web interface is a collection of folders or items with links to Main screens on the right pane of the web interface. 5gVision User interface, Menu tree overview Menu tree can be hidden or shown again by pressing on the grey handle at top of the dividing line between the two parts of the interface, or resized by dragging this line. 5gVision User interface, Menu tree overview The menu structure can be rearranged in almost any way you like by dragging menu items around at their folder icons or clicking on a pop up Pencil symbol to the right of the menu item and choosing Add/Delete (the alternative way is right-clicking on any item). See Tree items menu.

The area on top of the menu tree consists of:
  • Logo - click on the logo opens a 5gVision web site.
  • Product release and build.
  • Log out button.
  • Refresh button to refresh the whole page dropping the web browser cache and updating object names. This is equivalent to pressing F5 or a refresh button in your browser.
  • Name of the currently logged in user.


When a mouse is over any menu item in the Menu tree on the left of the screen, a small pencil sign will appear to the right of the item. 5gVision User interface, Menu tree pencil Clicking on it will activate the Tree items menu where you may Add/Delete/Edit tree items.

Screen types

There are lots of different screen types in 5gVision depending on the exact product you are using. Each screen will contain specific Modules needed to perform all or most of the tasks pertinent to the described functional purpose of the screen. When you create or edit a screen via Add/edit menu there is a corresponding drop-down table available that allows you to choose a screen type in convenient way. 5gVision User interface, Menu tree screen types All the screen types are grouped in compliance with products and can be chosen as a whole folder of screens or as a separate screen. The most commonly used screens include:
  • Folder
  • VoIP statistics
  • SRC/DST numbers
  • SNMP statistics
  • Traffic collector
  • IP whitelist
  • Rate management screens
  • CDR comparison
  • Route testing dialer
  • Various config screens
After adding a screen with multiple blocks in it, you may change the type of each block individually through the Pencil icon in the Top menu. You may, thus, create a screen with 2 blocks, and have an Alert log in one block, and a Config-Alerts block in the other, being able to see the configs and the resulting alerts at the same time. 5gVision User interface, Menu tree screen types All screens may also act like folders and contain other screens.

Config screens are only accessible for users with admin rights.

There is also a special folder Received screens that will contain all screens that were cloned to you by other users. Once the screen is cloned - it becomes an independent screen and any changes to it are not propagated to the original screen.

Tree items menu

When the mouse is over one of the items in the Menu tree, a Pencil icon will appear to the right of this item. Clicking on it or right-clicking on any item in the Menu tree activates the Tree items menu: 5gVision User interface, Menu tree items menu
  • Add screen - add a new screen via Add/edit menu.
  • Edit name - edit the screen name.
  • Edit screen - edit the screen column/block layout via Add/edit menu.
  • New tab - open the screen in a new browser tab (or Ctrl-click the tree item).
  • Sort A-Z - sort underlying screens alphabetically.
  • Clone - clone the screen to other users or to yourself. The new screen will be totally independent of the cloned screen and will be added to the "Received screens" folder under another folder with the name of the cloning user.
  • Share - share the screen with other users. All users will see the same copy of just one screen. If the screen is shared as view-only, any changes a receiving user is making to it will be lost after a screen or page refresh. If the screen is shared as editable, all users will be able to modify it. Changes by other users are not synchronized with your shared screen automatically, you need to refresh the screen to upload them.
  • Delete - delete a screen or a folder with all underlying screens.
  • Color palette - change the item font color.
Some tree items may have limited options. For instance, you cannot modify the Manual or Config pages.

Add/edit menu

This menu pops up when either Add screen or Edit screen was chosen from the Tree items menu. 5gVision User interface, Menu tree add edit menu You may set the following options for a new or edited screen or folder:
  • Screen name.
  • Screen type - this will define which functional blocks a screen will have. If you choose a folder with underlying screens (for instance, a Rate management folder) - the very folder and all the screens will be added.
  • Columns - number of columns in the Main screen. Columns will contain Blocks. If you do not plan to have blocks arranged into several columns, you may just leave one column.
  • Blocks - number of blocks in the Main screen. While multi-block environment allows you to view different types of data at the same time, one block may be OK for most situations.
If you would like to have blocks of different types on the same screen (for instance, one block for Customer rates, and another one for Vendor rates), you may choose a Customer rates screen with 2 blocks, and then edit the second block additionally changing its type to Vendor rates, see Block edit window.