Monitoring and alerting manual

An Alerts table is basically a log of all alerts raised/cleared in the last 24 hours. You may conveniently view each alert in a chart by double-clicking the log entry. Behind the scenes the Alerting module is much more than this. It is constantly comparing tons of data to catch any values meeting the set thresholds, and it is also able to send the notifications over email, SMS or by means of push messages to the 5gVision own mobile application.


5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts overview The best way to start with Alerting and understand its main concepts is to watch this video tutorial:

5gVision Alerting video

or to view this sales presentation:

5gVision Alerting module

The Alerting module consists of the Alert log described below, and the alert configuration screen with several tables (see Config-Alerts). Please refer to the latter module for info on how to configure alerts and notifications.

There are 4 types of alerts in 5gVision:
  • Absolute or ABS alerts on the current values of the parameters. These parameters are shown as lines in charts. Absolute means that the parameter values are compared to the threshold (ACD < 3 min.).
  • 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts overview abs1
  • ABS alerts on the Per-hour values of the parameters. Per-hour parameters are shown as bars in charts.
  • 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts overview abs2
  • Differential or DIFF alerts on the current values of the parameters. Differential means that the difference between 2 parameter values - previous and current - is compared to the %% threshold (ACD drop > 40%).
  • 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts overview diff1
  • DIFF alerts on the Per-hour values of the parameters.
  • 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts overview diff2
DIFF per-hour alerts are easy to understand - at the end of each hour, current ending hour values are compared to the previous hour values.

DIFF current alerts require more explanation. Since current statistics (lines in charts) may go up and down in a quite wide range sometimes, it is necessary to compare values averaged over some period of time. We use 10 minutes. DIFF current alerts are comparing the following two values:
  • an average value of the parameter over the last 10 minutes (since polling is done every minute - this means averaging out the last 10 values), and
  • an average value of the same parameter over a period from 20 to 30 minutes ago.
This can be well noticed on charts opened in the Alert log for the DIFF current alerts - there always are 2 yellow 10-minute zones in the chart - for the current, and the previous compared intervals.

If the difference between the current and the previous values exceeds the threshold, the alert is raised. Thresholds are stored as %%, so a threshold of 20 will raise an alert if ASR dropped from 50% to 40%: (50-40)/50 = 20%.

Alert log

The menu on top of the Alert log consists of: 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts alert log Alert log is showing any of the 4 alert types described above using the following styles to distinguish among them:
  • ABS current alerts show values at time of alert and thresholds on the red background, if the alert was raised, and on the green background, if it was cleared.
  • ABS per-hour alerts additionally have the parameter values underlined and Hour prepended to show that the alert was an hourly one.
  • DIFF current alerts show previous and current values, as well as the % of values drop or raise on the yellow background.
  • DIFF per-hour alerts additionally have the parameter values underlined and Hour prepended.
The red/yellow alert history mini-chart is a convenient way to get a quick idea on when the alerts were raised/cleared within the last 2 hours. ABS alerts have red color and DIFF alerts are in yellow. ABS cleared alerts also have green background. Each thin red/yellow bar represents a 5-minute interval. Placing the mouse over the history mini-chart will display hints on when exactly the alert was raised and cleared. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts alert log Alert log may have more info than you see on the screen by default. Please press the C menu button to add more columns if needed. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts alert log Double-clicking any log entry will bring up a chart for the parameter with the alert/clear periods highlighted. The chart interval will match the one for which the alert log is viewed.

Mobile client

It is possible to push alert notifications to the 5gVision own mobile client. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Alerts mobile client You can get the application in Play Market or by this link:

5gVision Mobile Client

Please contact support to get the PINs needed to register the application at the 5gVision push server.

There is a special column in the Contacts table in alerts: Mobile client PIN for pushes. Once the PIN is filled and pushes are enabled at the Alerts global config table, you will start getting notifications on configured alerts to your mobile phone.

Push notifications have a lot of advantages over SMS:
  • You don't have to pay for each message.
  • Messages are not limited to 160 characters and are thus much more detailed.
  • It is much easier to manage alerts in the 5gVision application.
  • Our own application will allow us to add more features in future, like attached charts of alerts, links to stats for the alerted objects, etc.