Parameters can take the exact values from the SNMP response on each OID,
or can be obtained via the following transformation methods:
- By creating a formula using existing OID values with variable names assigned
to them (in_bytes/1024, hdd_root_used/hdd_root_total*100, etc.).
- By calculating the delta value between the current and the previous
OID values (since polling is done every minute, the "previous"
values are the values collected one minute before).
- By calculating per-hour parameter values from collected per-minute values
using the following methods: total, average, minimum, maximum for the hour.
Parameter OID name field is not empty, the parameter value will be taken
as is from the SNMP response, and any entries in the
Parameter formula field
will be ignored. Otherwise, the
Parameter formula will determine how the
parameter will be calculated from one, or several variable names associated with the OIDs.
You may use the most common arithmetic operations in formulas, like: +, -, *, /.
Support for more complex expressions, exponential functions, etc. is not guaranteed, but may be
tested and added upon request.