Monitoring and alerting manual

5gVision provides quite a lot of system-wide configuration options, and some user-specific settings. Most of the time you will only need to modify system-wide configs when you set up your system initially, except for the user administration module.


System-wide config is available through the Config-System screen of the Menu tree in various Config tables, that are similar to statistical tables, except that they contain a different set of columns and can be edited. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Config system overview Per-user settings are configured right in statistical tables. For instance, it is possible to save customized presets of columns for just one table, or for all tables of this type through the Column selection window. Or one may save filters and visible children objects for a specific table by simply entering the filters or opening the parent objects.

System config

The System config section contains settings affecting the whole 5gVision system. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Config system system config These parameters include:
  • Web login timeout - determines the timeout after expiration of which users need to re-login. Default value is 3 days.
  • First day of week - determines the first day of a week (Monday or Sunday) in the system which affects the way a calendar is shown and per-week grouping is done. Default value is Sunday.
  • Default timezone type - defines the default timezone (User, System or GMT) for new screens (see Timezone strip). Default value is User.
  • CSV separator - defines the separator in CDRs and other export files. Default value is comma.
  • Show objects with no stats - a checkbox that determines whether the Table module should display objects with no statistic. Deactivating the checkbox may improve the rendering time of the Table module as there are usually a lot of dormant objects in a switch that are not getting any traffic in the current hour. Default value is Selected.
  • Show statistics by disconnect initiator - a checkbox, the activation of which adds the following parameters to the list of parameters available in Chart, Table, Report, etc modules:
    • In/Out Hr src Atmpt
    • In/Out Hr dst Atmpt
    • In/Out Hr sw Atmpt
    • In/Out Hr src Conn
    • In/Out Hr dst Conn
    • In/Out Hr sw Conn
    • In/Out Hr src ACD
    • In/Out Hr dst ACD
    • In/Out Hr sw ACD
    • In/Out Hr src TTR
    • In/Out Hr dst TTR
    • In/Out Hr sw TTR
    Default value is Selected. In order to see the change in the available parameters, please refresh the screen.
  • Hosted: show billing stats - a listbox that determines which billing parameters should be shown to Hosted users taken from your switch. Available variants - None, Only IN Price/OUT Cost, All. Default value is None.
  • Hosted: show U-objects - a checkbox which determines whether the system should show U-object stats to Hosted users taken from your switch. Default value is Deselected. For more information see U-objects.
  • Access rules: show CDRs - a checkbox that defines whether the system should show CDRs to users with User access rules assigned. If you have created hosted-user accounts for your own employees, you might want to grant them access to CDRs. If the hosted users are actual companies hosting partitions on your switch, you might want to disable access to CDRs for them. Default value is Deselected.
  • Access rules: show all vendors - defines whether Vendors should be shown to users with User access rules assigned. This might be useful when you want to reveal only certain customers, but all vendors to your users. If you wish to show all vendors - adding new vendors each time to the access rules might be frustrating. Adding a vendor to an access rule will also show it as a customer, which may be unacceptable in some cases. By using this parameter, you can reveal only those operators acting as customers that you want and show all other operators acting as vendors at the same time. Available options include: Allowed by Rule (show only those vendors that are specifically allowed in the access rule), All in "cac" combination (show vendors residing only on the third nesting level in Tables), All (show all vendors). Default value is Allowed by Rule.
  • Access rules: show signaling logs - a checkbox that defines whether the system should show signaling logs to users with User access rules assigned. Available options include: None, Only with a Call ID filter (obviously, a user will be able to get signaling logs only if he enters a Call ID of a call in the filter. This way, a user will be able to see only its own logs, as he/she does not know Call IDs for any other calls that he/she cant see in a CDR table), All. Default value is Only with a Call ID filter.
  • Loops: min digits for a SRC number - don't try to detect a loop if the SRC number is shorter. Default value is 7.
  • Loops: min digits for a DST number - don't try to detect a loop if the DST number is shorter. Default value is 7.
  • Loops: check SRC numbers - if not enabled, loops are detected by DST numbers only. Default value is Selected.
  • Loops: check interval, sec - detect a loop when same SCR/DST numbers occur over this interval. Default value is 5 sec.
  • Loops: call count - detect a loop when same SCR/DST numbers occur this many times. Default value is 3.


Many times it is desirable to monitor not just one object of the switch configuration, but a group of objects united in a certain way. For instance, you may want to monitor all mobile codes in a country as a whole single area, or unite all customers of a specific region into one group "customer".

U-objects are serving exactly this purpose. The only limitation is that all the combined objects should be of the same type. Once created, the U-object will behave more or less like any other real object in the system, you will see U-areas under customers when you open their children in tables, etc. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Config system uobjects U-objects are easily recognizable by their very long IDs in the format of x99990YYY, where x can be any of: a, c, e, g depending on the type. It is not possible to change the U-object type after it was created.

Flex combinations

In case monitoring or troubleshooting of a very specific objects combination is necessary, one may create such a combination via the Flex combin configuration screen. For instance, you may create a Customer IN->Area->Equipment OUT combination. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Config system flex combinations Flex combinations behave as if they are separate standalone objects that have no children, much like Equipment, or Groups. As well as U-objects, Flex combinations have very long IDs in the format of f99990YYY, always starting with f.

Color levels

Data table cells containing certain parameters may be highlighted in green, yellow, or red color to give a better contrast to values that are considered good, below average, or bad. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Config system color levels If the highlight is not enabled for a parameter, the cells will be just white.

You can also define here what to show in table cells for null or 0 statistical values and whether to highlight them.

Disconnect codes

The Disc codes config table determines which disconnect codes will be ignored in calculation of certain parameters. Depending on the situation in each network and monitoring preferences, some operators would like to adjust the default code settings.

For instance, when ASR is calculated, usually just the codes SIP 503 and H323 34 are ignored, but you may also ignore other codes that indicate that your network rejected the call right away, like SIP 480 or H323 21. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Config system disconnect codes An important difference between Incoming and Outgoing statistics here is that 5gVision is trying to provide the Incoming statistics as close to what your Customers really see as possible. If you do disconnect code translation, your customers will see codes different from ones recorded in CDRs in the Disconnect code field.

For example, your Vendor sent you a code SIP | 480 | Temporarily Unavailable, you translated it into SIP | 503 | Service Unavailable and sent to Customer. In this case, SIP 480 will be used to calculate Vendor stats, but SIP 503 for Customer stats. Thus, if SIP 503 was excluded from ASR calculation, this rule will only affect Customer ASR, not Vendor ASR. Besides common VoIP parameters like ACD, ASR, NER which have more or less determined calculation rules, the system has these extra parameters: DC1, DC2, DC3 that allow you to collect statistics for the % of chosen disconnect codes. You may have several codes included per a parameter, if needed.

Shared links log

Shared links table shows the log of all links that were created by users of the system. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Config system shared links log This log can be useful if you want to remove a link that you sent to your partner by mistake.