Monitoring and alerting manual

A Report module provides for one of the most common ways in the industry to view statistical data - by getting a per-hour (or per-day, per-week) list of parameter values for each watched object or object combination.


5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Report overview Reports can be obtained for Object combinations available in Charts and Tables, see Objects for a full list. The parameters available in Reports include only per-hour statistics. Active calls or EMA per-minute statistics can not be viewed.

The initial mode of the Report table is the Filter mode (invoked by the Filter button). This mode is to choose the Objects or Object combinations for which the report will be requested. It can be done by either entering filters in the Filter fields, or by clicking on the plus sign to the left of the generic =ALL= object to expand all objects (the same effect is achieved if you Shift- or Right-click the whole cell with =ALL= in it).

You can call a drop-down menu in the Filter fields of OBJECT columns. It allows you to save a filter string for future use (see Filter fields).

Each OBJECT column has an associated OBJECT ID column to facilitate the filtering of available objects by object types. See Objects for a description of all types. Only the first ID column for OBJECT 1 is present in the Report table by default. Other ID columns may be added using the C button (see Column selection).

The ID fields above the main filter fields serve the same purpose as individual OBJECT ID columns, but allow to keep the OBJECT ID columns hidden, while still being able to filter objects by their IDs or types.

Any object type may be set in any column, creating various object combinations, like c->a->c, a->c->c, c->r, r->a->c, etc.

Besides, you may select several object types or object IDs at once in the ID field by entering a filter string according to the same rules as for other Filter fields. For example, if you select the following parameters: ID1 - c, ID2 - a, ID3 - c||r, you will get a report on 2 combinations: c->a->c and c->a->r at the same time. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Report overview If no filters are present in the respective OBJECT ID columns - the System will automatically set the following default values: ID1 - c, ID2 - a, ID3 - c. This is done because most requests are usually done for Customer->Area->Vendor combinations.

If you'd like to get, for example, the Customer->Area->Disconnect code combination, you need to simply change the ID3 filter to r.

Statistics for some non-standard combinations (like Equipment->Area) are not collected from the CDRs by default and may require configuration of Flex combinations.

After choosing the Object combinations you may also change the Group option (see Intervals and grouping), and finally press the GO button, Refresh button or just click on the desired Interval to get the report. After that you are in the Result mode.

For each Object combination the System will create an individual group of rows in the final report. The groups are separated by red horizontal lines. For every group of rows, the whole interval for which the data is displayed (as determined by the Interval parameter) is subdivided into a number of rows each representing a grouping period, for instance - 1 hour, 1 day, etc. See more in Intervals and grouping.

If too many potential objects were chosen - the system may alert you, asking to limit a number of objects by using more restrictive filters, or, on the contrary no filters at all. Without filters the system doesnt need to search certain rows in the DB and just processes all data which is less resource-intensive.

If you need to change the filters after the Report was brought, please press the Filter button to get back to the Filter mode, update the filters, and press the GO button again..

The Report module also contents a Share button. Clicking on it creates a shared link based on the information displayed at the current screen to send to your partners, see Shared links.

Filter button

The Report module has 2 modes: Filter mode and Result mode. When you first open the module page, it is in the Filter mode, where you choose the Object combinations you need by applying filters in Filter fields. When done, the GO button will bring the report data and change the table into the Result mode.

Filtering in the Result mode will only be applied to the objects in the current report. If you need to change the filtering options for all the Objects after the Report was brought, you should press the Filter button to get back to the Filter mode.

Digging to next levels

Much like in the Table module, you may click on the plus sign next to an =ALL= item, if you see any in the Result mode, to display the underlying object levels. In effect, this will let you easily look into the required Object combinations, without reconfiguring the filter.

Up to 2 additional levels are possible. The types of objects shown at the next (child) level are determined by the ID fields on top of each column. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Report levels

Default sorting in Reports

Once you see the Report results on screen (Result mode), the column that was used to sort the statistical parameters will have a red (not blue) sort indicator. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Report sorting The red color will show that the sort is not exactly by the very values of the column. The sort is done at the server in the following order: First, the system takes each Object combination and calculates the value of the sorted parameter for the whole selected interval. For example, if you have chosen a 6-hour report grouped by 1 hour, then 6 hourly values will be summed. Then, the object combinations are lined up according to the resulting sum (in the descending or ascending order). Finally, each Object combination group will have individual rows sorted by time periods, with the most recent period on top.

It is not possible to achieve this kind of sort in the Web interface, so once you click on any columns to change the sort, the red sort indicator will change into blue and the red lines will disappear to alert you that the report is no longer time-sorted. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Report sorting However, you may get back to the original DB sorting by where each object or combination is separated with the red lines. After you sorted by any column (and ruined the red lines), you may simply click on the initially sorted column (the one with a vague red sort icon) and restore the original sort.

The column used as the sorting criterion as well as the sort direction may be chosen by clicking its header during the Filter mode.

Intervals and grouping

The Report module provides two options to tailor your result set to your needs: the Interval and the Group. Intervals determine which Per-hour statistics will be included in the report, grouping options provide for statistic aggregation to periods larger than just one hour.

If grouping option larger than 1 hour is used, the resulting stats are always split into periods, determined by each group absolute start/end times, meaning that the group 1d for 1 day will split results by calendar days, starting from 0:00:00 of each day, not by 24-periods starting from current time. Likewise, 1w for 1 week will split results by calendar weeks, starting from Sunday or Monday 0:00:00, depending on system settings.

There are 2 different modes for grouping, which bring a bit different results:
  • Interval is higher or equal than Group period. For instance, you are getting a report for 24 hours grouped by 6 hours, or for 1 week grouped by 1 day, or for 4 weeks grouped by 1 week. In this case the exact calendar groups of "6 hours", days or weeks are shown, with the exact stats aggregated within these groups.
  • 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Report intervals and grouping
  • Interval is lower than Group period. Say, you requested a report for 4 hours grouped by 1 day, or for 3 days grouped by 1 week. In this case, only one line per object will be in the report - the aggregate statistics for the whole Interval (not Group) period. So 4 hours grouped by 1 day will show all 4 hours summed up in one line, not 1 day; and 3 days grouped by 1 week will show stats for the 3 last calendar days, including today, not 7 last days.
In general, the results in situations with Interval lower than Group period are not easy to interpret sometimes, so running such type of reports should rather be avoided.

Report row limiting

In some cases, when a report is requested for a lot of combinations, like all Area=>Vendor combinations, the result set will contain lots of rows with only a few call attempts per a combination, which is probably of no interest to anyone.

The Row limit strip intends to limit the number of rows returned by a report to only the top X rows with some traceable traffic. You may choose to fetch 1000, 3000, or 10000 rows. For instance, if you will only look at the first 50 top combinations in a 4-hour report, this will result in only 50*4=200 rows that you need, and there is no reason to fetch 10000 rows, that will simply take more time. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Report report row limit strip Which rows are returned first is determined by the column to which the sort is applied. Lets say you are interested in a total number of minutes flown through your Customer=>Area combinations in the last 6 hours. You then need to apply a descending sort to the Hr Min column, and you will have your report ordered by the total minutes each combination got in the last 6 hours. At the end of your report, you will probably have combinations that served only 1-5 minutes, and the rest of even smaller combinations will be cut off by the Row limit setting.