Monitoring and alerting manual

5gVision can collect statistical information on individual SRC/DST numbers or group of numbers.


Viewing stats per individual SRC/DST numbers may help to identify fraud, unwanted traffic, numbers that may drive your overall ACD down (call centers, etc.), automatic dialers, or other abuse of your network.

SRC/DST numbers statistics

This module allows you to collect the following statistics per each Source number originating to your switch:
  • Total attempts
  • Total connected calls
  • Average call duration
  • Post dial delay
  • Time to connect
  • Time to reject
  • Number of called areas
  • Called areas
And the following statistics per each Destination number your switch sent calls to:
  • Total attempts
  • Total connected calls
  • Average call duration
  • Post dial delay
  • Time to connect
  • Time to reject
5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Src dst numbers overview All these statistics can be viewed for a current hour, a previous hour, 3 days or any other period using the Interval strip of the module. The module also has the Group strip. Unlike the grouping option of Reports it allows you to get aggregated statistics for ranges of numbers. For example 3 means to cut off the last 3 digits (123456XXX) and get statistics for ranges of 1000 numbers.

These data may be used to identify numbers with abnormal activity that possibly could hurt your business (for example numbers that are calling too many different areas which for retail service providers may ask for an investigation).

SRC/DST number groups

Sometimes it is necessary to check how much traffic a particular group of 10, 100, 1000 or more numbers is generating or receiving. This is done by applying the number of digits from the end of each number that you want to group in the Group strip. 5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Src dst numbers groups

SRC/DST number lengths

These tables provide statistics on lengths of SRC or DST numbers that were used to receive or send calls. This may be valuable to understand:
  • What is the normal length of numbers for a specific country (sometimes a country may have variable number length format). These lengths will have a lot of connected calls.
  • How many calls with incorrect number lengths are getting connects (might indicate FAS or other issues).
  • How many calls with incorrect number lengths are sent to your network and by which customers. These calls may be rejected, but in any case, garbage traffic with lots of incorrect numbers will be loading your switch without generating any profit.
5gVision Monitoring and alerting, Src dst numbers lengths