Rate management manual



Code decks

The Code decks table contains area names and codes per each area. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates
  • Import row ID -
  • Import batch -
  • Change batch - change batch ID of the code, if generated via Change deck.
  • Status - let you easily enable/disable the record.
  • Rate plan of type "Code deck" - a code deck which the code belongs to.
  • Code - a code forming the Code deck.
  • Area ID - ID of an area which the code is bound to in the Areas table.
  • Area name in Code Deck - name of an area which the code is bound to in the Areas table.
  • State - a state of the code. It can be:
    • active - the code is currently active.
    • future - the Active from date of this code is in the future.
    • expired - the Active till date of this code is in the past.
    • void - the Active till date of this code is before the Active from date. This may happen when a future code is automatically closed as it is superseded by a newly loaded code with an earlier Active from date.
    • off - the code is disabled.
  • Active from, GMT - date/time in GMT the code active from. If it is more than the current time the system considers the code as Future.
  • Active till, GMT - date/time in GMT the code active till. If it is less than the current time the system considers the code as Expired.
  • Active days - number of days this code was or will be active for.
  • Processing policy 5g - displays a 5g policy assigned to this code.
  • Processing policy ext - displays a policy used for this code during export to an external billing system.
  • Latest change result - displays the result of the most recent Code deck change made via Change deck. It can be:
    • CodeAdded - a new code has been added.
    • CodeDeleted - the code has been deleted.
    • AreaAdded - a new area has been added.
    • AreaDeleted - the area has been deleted.
  • Latest change, User - displays a user that made the last change.
  • Latest change, GMT - displays date/time when the last change was made.
You may edit and filter the codes using standard methods. The filter field of the Rate plan of type "Code deck" column has drop-down table which allows you to easily filter codes of a certain Code deck. Another filtering control is located at the top panel. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates There you may choose:
  • -30d - Show codes active now, in future, and up to 30 days ago (possibly several codes per Code deck).
  • All - Show all codes.
  • Active - Show only codes active right now (one code per Code deck).
  • Future - Show codes active right now and in future (possibly several codes per Code deck).
  • Latest - Show codes with the latest Active from date (one code per Code deck).
If you you need to populate a new Code deck with codes please refer to Initial Code decks load.


The Areas table allows you to manage names of areas used in Code decks and displays active or future codes for each area in a convenient way. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates You can also disable a certain area using the Status column. Several change columns display information concerning changes performed via the Change deck. Latest change result displays the result of the most recent area change made via Change deck.
  • AreaAdded - a new area has been added.
  • AreaDeleted - the area has been deleted.
  • NameChange - the area name has been changed compared to the previous name.
The buttons Add selected to Change deck and Add filtered to Change deck let you add selected or all filtered areas to the Change deck for further modifications.

The option View codes in code deck in the context menu opens a floating Code decks window with filtered codes of the chosen area.

Area groups

If you frequently work with the same several Areas you can create a logical group to quickly choose them. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates Just enter an area group name, choose a code deck which areas belong to and add corresponding areas in the Areas included field.

The button Add selected to Change deck let you add selected area groups to the Change deck for further modifications.

Initial Code decks load

In order to import codes to a newly created Code deck, you should just drag-n-drop a CSV file with columns code and area name to the Code decks table. A separator in a CSV file can be a comma, a semicolon or a tab. The system will ask you to choose a Code deck and a value for the Match areas by option: 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates
  • Area name - imported areas will be matched with areas in the Code deck by area names.
  • Area ID - an area name column of a CSV file can contain IDs in parentheses in addition to direct area names. This option allows you to match the imported areas with areas in the Code deck by IDs. It is useful if you exported a Code deck from 5gVision before and want to import it back.
When you click OK, the codes will be loaded the Code deck.

Initial Customer rate plans load

When you need to make initial Customer rate plans load to 5gVision, you should use the Rate import tools which however mostly concern Vendor rates.

At first, you should create a new Customer rate plan and load a corresponding Code deck for it (see Initial Code decks load). Then you go through the similar steps which you perform during Vendor rates import: Import rate file, Match columns, Import edit. When your Customer rates are loaded and adjusted in Import edit, you should make a comparison by means of the Compare Customer button. The System will display a dialog, where you can specify the comparison options. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates
  • Rate Plan to compare to - select a Customer rate plan to compare the imported rates to.
  • Errors if missing areas - show error if not all Code deck areas are present in the compared Customer rates.
  • Active from, overwrite RP template - if not set - the Date template from the Rate plan is used.
  • Active from, date template - select a Data template from the Date templates table if you chose to overwrite RP template.
  • Active from, Base date, GMT - enter the Base date in GMT to add X days to (a number of days is set in the Date template).
  • Active from, specific date, GMT - fill out the Active from date with this specific date in GMT, replaces all other options.
When done, click OK. The System will make the comparison and display the results in the Compare table. As the new Customer rate plan had no rates, all the records in the table will be with the comparison result Added. Actually there is no need to move rates to the Final check table, so you may move them directly to the main rates table RateCust using the Move to Main button.


The RateCust table includes all the Customer rates that were ever imported into the System. It allows you to view all/active/future Customer rates and manually add/edit/delete them if it is required. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates
  • Import row ID - ID of the rate record in the auto-import table.
  • Import batch - import batch of the rate, if imported from a file.
  • Change batch - change batch ID of the rate, if generated via Change deck.
  • Status - let you easily enable/disable the record.
  • Locked - let you lock/unlock the rate.
  • Rate plan - rate plan which the rate belongs to.
  • Codes in Code deck - codes belonging to the area of the rate. Only the most recent active or future codes are shown.
  • Area ID - ID of an area which the code is bound to in the Areas table.
  • Area name in Code Deck - name of an area which the code is bound to in the Areas table.
  • Rate - rate in Rate plan currency.
  • Billing increm. - billing scheme x/y/z where x denotes the non-chargeable interval of an established connection, y stands for the initial period, i.e. chargeable minimum in seconds, z is the subsequent bulling increment. The first section is optional. Blank is "0/1/1".
  • State - state of the rate. It can be:
    • active - the rate is currently active.
    • future - the Active from date of this rate is in the future.
    • expired - the Active till date of this rate is in the past.
    • void - the Active till date of this rate is before the Active from date. This may happen when a future rate is automatically closed as it is superseded by a newly loaded rate with an earlier Active from date.
    • off - the rate is disabled.
  • Active from, GMT - date/time in GMT the rate active from. If it is more than the current time the system considers the rate as Future.
  • Active till, GMT - date/time in GMT the rate active till. If blank - the record active indefinitely. If it is less than the current time the system considers the code as Expired.
  • Active days - number of days this rate was or will be active for.
  • Processing policy 5g - displays a 5g policy assigned to this rate.
  • Processing policy ext - displays a policy used for this rate during export to an external billing system.
  • Custom col 1, 2, 3 - custom columns that can be used for CSV/XLSX files creation during Amendments generation.
  • Latest change result - displays the result of a comparison with the previous most recent rate. The possible results are:
    • UP - the rate has been increased.
    • DOWN - the rate has been decreased.
    • AreaAdded - a new area has been added to the Customer rate plan.
    • AreaDeleted - the area has been deleted from the Customer rate plan.
    • Increment - the billing increment is changed.
  • Latest change, User - displays a user that made the last change.
  • Latest change, GMT - displays date/time when the last change was made.
You may edit and filter the rates using standard methods.

Another filtering control is located at the top panel. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates There you may choose:
  • -30d - show rates/codes active now, in future, and up to 30 days ago (possibly several rate/codes per Rate plan/Code deck).
  • All - show all rates/codes.
  • Active - show only rates/codes active right now (one rate/code per Rate plan/Code deck).
  • Future - show all rates/codes active now or in future (possibly several rate/codes per Rate plan/Code deck).
  • Latest - show latest rates/codes active now or in future (which the latest Active from date) that are or will be active indefinitely (one rate/code per Rate plan/Code deck). Records with non-empty Active till are not shown.

RateCust range

If you need to check how your Customer rates had been changed for a certain period, the RateCust range table is for your convenience. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates
  • Rate ID begin - internal ID of the beginning rate.
  • Rate IDs between - internal IDs of all records for each in-between rate.
  • Rate ID end - internal ID of the end rate.
  • Rate plan - a rate plan which the rate belongs to.
  • Codes in Code deck - codes belonging to the area of the rate. Only the most recent active or future codes are shown.
  • Area name in Code Deck - name of an area which the codes are bound to in the Areas table.
  • Rate begin - rate active at the beginning of the chosen interval.
  • Rates between - rates with Active from/Active till times completely in inside of the chosen interval.
  • Rate end - rate active at the end of the chosen interval.
  • Rate diff - rate difference between the beginning and the end rates.
  • Rate diff,% - rate difference in %.
  • State end - a state of the rate. The possible values are the same as in State of the RateCust.
  • Active from, end rate, GMT - date/time in GMT the end rate active from.
  • Active till, end rate, GMT - date/time in GMT the end rate active till. If blank - the record active indefinitely.
  • Active days - number of days the end rate was or will be active for.
This is a powerful tool to see the history of changes and analyse your Customer rates. The two Interval strips on the top allows you to easily choose the beginning and the end of the interesting interval. 5gVision Rate management, Customer rates For example, if you want to see rates for the interval, where beginning rates are the rates, that were active 30 days ago, and end rates are the rates that are active right now, you should choose -30d and Current correspondingly. Besides the given preconfigured values like -180d, Current, +7d and so on, you can use the Cust option, which let you choose non-standard intervals. The All/Change strip allows you to manage whether to display all rates active at the beginning and end of the time range, or to view only the rates that changed between the interval.