Verify table contains the results of the verification of Customer rate changes made in the
Change deck. It allows you to check each modification before applying them to the main rate table
RateCust and uploading to an external billing system.
![Click to open/close an image 5gVision Rate management, Rate generation](rates/img/40608-rate-generation.png)
Most fields in the
Verify table are for viewing only allowing you to confirm the verification results, or discover some mistakes/misenters and fix them on the
Change deck step. However some of the columns are editable, so that you don't need to come back to the previous step and easily could correct the changes directly in the verification table, if it is possible:
- Rate ID active - main rate table ID of the currently active rate.
- Rate ID future - main rate table ID of the rate that will become active in future.
- Batch active - import or change batch of the currently active rate.
- Batch future - import or change batch of the rate that will become active in future.
- Change batch - change batch ID from the Change log assigned after the first attempt to apply changes, if empty - changes were not applied yet.
- Change deck - Change deck that was verified: either a user change deck, or one of shared Change decks.
- Change deck row - Change deck ID of the row that was converted into this Verify table row.
- Status (Editable) - let you easily enable/disable the record.
- Apply results - results of applying the changes from the Verify table.
- Rate plan - a rate plan which the rate belongs to. It is applicable only if the change type is Area RATE.
- Code deck - a Code deck which the modified code or area belongs to.
- Change type - one of the change types as listed in the Change deck with exception of Replace. Such a record is transformed in the Verify table to either a row of the Code delete type, or a row of the Code add type, or a combination of both types depends on the nature of the code replacement.
- Verification result - result of the most recent Code deck change and comparison to current and future rates.
- Locked active - lock status of the currently active rate.
- Locked future - lock status of the rate that will become active in future.
- Locked NEW (Editable) - new lock status of the rate.
- Codes ADD / DEL - comma-separeted list of codes. Required only for change types: Area add, Code add, Code delete.
- Area name in Code Deck - name of the area in the Code deck for which the changes are made.
- Area ID - ID of the area in the Code deck for which the changes are made.
- Area name NEW - new area name for the change types: Area name, Area add.
- Rate active - currently active rate.
- Rate future - rate that is the latest to become active in future.
- Rate NEW (Editable) - new rate that will be added by this change.
- Rate diff - rate difference between the active and the NEW rate (if active rate dows not exist - the difference between the future and the NEW rate).
- Rate diff, % - rate difference in % between the active and the NEW rate.
- Increm. active - billing increment of the currently active rate.
- Increm. future - billing increment of the rate that is the latest to become active in future.
- Increm. NEW - new billing increment of the rate.
- Active from active, GMT - date/time in GMT from which the current rate/code is active.
- Active from future, GMT - date/time in GMT from which the latest rate/code is active (may be future).
- Active from this change, GMT - date/time in GMT from which this change will be active.
- Active till active, GMT - date/time in GMT which the current rate/code will be active till.
- Active till future, GMT - date/time in GMT which the latest rate/code will be active till.
- Active till NEW, GMT - date/time in GMT which this change will be active till.
- Policy 5g active - processing 5g policy assigned to the currently active rate.
- Policy 5g future - processing 5g policy assigned to the rate that is the latest to become active in future.
- Policy 5g NEW (Editable) - new processing 5g policy assigned to the rate during this change. By default the system sets the 5g policy value for deleted codes and areas to Block.
- Policy ext active - external billing policy assigned to the currently active rate.
- Policy ext future - external billing policy assigned to the rate that is the latest to become active in future.
- Policy ext NEW (Editable) - new external billing policy assigned to the rate during this change. By default, if MVTSII is configured as your external billing system, and you delete the codes via the Change deck table (operations Code delete, Code replace, Area delete), then after you make Verify there will be the parameter Policy ext NEW set to 1, that means yes for Reject calls to this rate.
- Custom 1, 2, 3 current - custom columns of the currently active rate.
- Custom 1, 2, 3 future - custom columns of the rate that is the latest to become active in future.
- Custom 1, 2, 3 NEW (Editable) - new custom columns of the rate.
- Change deck edit, User - displays a user that made the last change in the Change deck table.
- Verify edit, User - displays a user that made the last change in the Verify deck table.
- Latest change, GMT - displays date/time when the last change was made.
Clear table button allows you to clear data in the table. In this case you have to go back to the
Change deck module and verify a change deck once again in order to get data in the Verify table.
When you are done with the verification you can click the
Apply changes + Upload button in order to change Customer rates massively for all selected Rate plans and upload rates to an external billing. There are the following options available in the opened window:
- Supersede future rates - disable all rates from the main table that have same codes as the newly loaded rates and that will become active in future. Always done in the current design.
- Include change results to amendments - include results of new to current rates comparison to rate amendments.
- Get a test .xlsx Rate amendment - generate one test .xlsx rate amendment file, no other actions are taken.
- Create .xlsx Rate amendments - generate .xlsx rate amendment files.
- Send emails with .xlsx to customers - send .xlsx rate amendment files to customers.
- Create .csv Rate amendments - generate .csv rate amendment files.
- Send emails with .csv to external billing - send .csv rate amendment files to your billing system.
- Upload new Customer rates to external billing - upload new Customer rates to your billing system (if supported).
- Clear table after this change - clear the Verify table applying the changes.
After clicking
OK the system run the applying and generation process. If the system detects errors and misconfiguration, it will give a warning message with error description and abort the process. For example, if you choose
Send emails with .xlsx to customers, but the Customer rate plan has a wrong email template configured, you will get the following notification:
![Click to open/close an image 5gVision Rate management, Rate generation](rates/img/40610-rate-generation.png)
When the applying process is completed you will get a confirmation with information concerning the uploaded codes, areas and rates. Finally a new record will be created in the
Change log table with history of the made changes.