A concept of Rate plan slices allows to separate the rate management and routing. A Rate plan slice is a part of a vendor Rate plan with certain codes or whole countries allowed/blocked. This way, if you are only buying 10 countries from a vendor, and are not interested in full A-Z, you may create a slice and use it in routing instead of a full Rate plan. Routing, thus, will look more elegant, you may implement very complex schemes with just 10-20 routes, as you wont need to set up routes (dialpeers) separately for each code or area. For instance, you may assign 50 Rate plan slices to just one route and do LCR among them. For each call, only the slices that have corresponding codes open will be chosen.
During rate management you may easily load the full Rate plan of the vendor to the system and be sure that only necessary rates will be used for termination.
There are 2 ways to apply restrictions to Rate plans in the Rate plan slices configuration:
Code groups included/excluded and separate codes included/excluded.
Code groups are configured in the corresponding module.
Codes should contain comma-separated list of codes included/excluded in/from the Rate plan slice.
"*" at the end means any digit after, for instance,
33 means all codes in France.
Rate plan slices can be used during the
LCR1 and
LCR2 reports generation.