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Benefits for a NOC engineer

"One of the standout features of 5gVision product is its unparalleled stability. Over the course of four years, we have experienced minimal downtime..."

Armen Hovhannisyan,
Fortis Communications, Canada

"In our career, we have worked with many telecom solutions and we can say that no one ever provided us with such great raw power, functionality, flexibility, stability and superb support level..."

Kristiano Radic,
Fenice Telekom Grupa, Croatia

"Over the years, 5gVision has evolved into an indispensable tool, optimizing our routes, increasing productivity, and fortifying our customer base..."

Quick reports

5gVision reports are among the quickest you ever saw. Getting daily traffic figures for the whole month for all Customers or Areas usually takes less than 5 seconds and does not depend on your traffic volumes.

  • Hierarchical structure - you may dig into the next level in object combinations like Customers -> Areas -> Disconnect codes.
  • Any reporting period plus grouping by hour, day, week, or month.
  • Jump from a Report to Charts or CDRs to see the exact records that were used to calculate the report.

Convenient Call flows

The best way to start investigating a call or an SMPP transaction is, of course, a timeline chart of all the packets.

  • Appealing Call/SMPP flow charts with clickable packets to view their contents.
  • Call flows can show all legs and hunt attempts of a call if they are called from CDRs.
  • Easily remove the legs you dont need and share the rest with your partners.
  • Get .pcap files of only the chosen legs right from Call flows.
  • Listen to media in any codec for any leg in a Call flow.

RTP media collector

Quite often the only way to troubleshoot a problem is to listen to the actual media of a call.

  • Media can be collected either randomly for preset signaling/media IPs or source/destination number patterns, or fully.
  • A very productive media logger allowing to collect up to 10000 active calls on a good HDD subsystem.
  • Possibility to listen to each recorded call in any codec and view waveforms with a connect indicator. In and out streams are recorded in different stereo channels.
  • Full media statistics: packet losses, R-factor, MOS.

All monitoring, switching, and billing products