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Route testing dialer

"Our experience using 5gVision SMS platform has been exceptional. The support team is responsive, knowledgeable, and truly dedicated..."

Melih Gülbay,
Macropyre, USA

"We are very lucky & proud to have 5gVision. SMS was too complex for us, 5gVision makes it simple. In one word, 5gVision means 'success in your business'..."

Mohi Uddin Majumder,
Mov International Telecom, Singapore

"The platform is very robust and its capabilities are endless. And these guys are always there to suggest the best way to realize our ideas..."

Route testing dialer

An easy and effective tool to test route quality and detect FAS.

Route testing dialer

Testing your partners routes is an important step in maintaining quality of your interconnections.

  • Tested numbers are extracted from your current CDRs automatically, and, thus, are always random.
  • Comprehensive test results: CDRs, SIP call flows, and media recorded in stereo for in/out channels.
  • Test results can be shared with your partners.
  • Tests can be scheduled and run automatically.

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