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Macropyre, USA

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Fatih Turan,
Qoolize, Türkiye

"...5gVision powerful and flexible rate management system makes working with rates convenient and effective..."

Objects and parameters for alerts.

You may configure alerts on practically any object existing in your switch and any VoIP parameter used in the industry.

  • Alerts can be set on whole object groups, for instance, all your Vendors, or all combinations like Customer->Area->Disconnect code.
  • You can also cut only the objects you need by include and exclude filters, using both regexps, and manual object selection.
  • Some of the most common parameters for alerts: Active calls, Attempts/connects/minutes per hour, Price/cost/profit, ACD, ASR, ABR, NER, PDD, CPS, % of short calls, % of certain disconnect codes, Media losses.

Absolute alerts

With absolute alerts, 5gVision will be comparing any parameters you set for alerting to certain thresholds.

  • Recommended if you are interested in monitoring the value of a parameter rather than its change over time, and if this value is predictable (eg. ACD for just one area).
  • Limit the number of alerts by setting the minimum number of calls an object should have to be considered for alerting.
  • Collect information over an accumulative interval, for instance, from the beginning of this week till now.

Differential alerts

With differential alerts, 5gVision will be comparing each parameter value to the same value some time ago.

  • Recommended if you are interested in monitoring the change of a parameter over time rather than its value, and if this value differs significantly for different monitored objects (eg. ACD for all your areas).
  • Limit the number of alerts by setting the minimum number of calls an object should have to be considered for alerting, as well as the parameter range.
  • Comparison intervals may go from minutes to weeks.

Customizable alert intervals

With 5gVision alerting there are no limits to which data you want to process and compare.

  • Choose any interval for Absolute alerts to compare to a threshold, for instance: all customers with number of this week's minutes above 100k.
  • Choose any 2 intervals for Differential alerts to compare to each other, for instance: all areas that generated less profit yesterday than on the same day a week ago.
  • Very short intervals may also come handy, say, you may set up an alert on a 30% drop in active calls from one minute to another.

Alert notifications

5gVision notifications will give you all the flexibility you need to manage a complex alerting environment.

  • Four ways to deliver notifications: over a web alert log, email, SMS, and 5gVision own mobile app.
  • Different users will get different alerts.
  • Alerts can be sent individually as they happen, or grouped in batches.
  • Schedules per each delivery method, user group, or indevidual alert.

All monitoring, switching, and billing products

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