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"...we are very happy with 5gVision, for both Voice and SMS products... The customer service is great, the support team is excellent"

Cristian Chesaru,
Zaheen Telecom, Romania

"...5gVision has become more and more essential to our business, and I am really glad to be part of that, also helping and providing our inputs and new demands, and receiving an extraordinary service and support in return..."

Billy Souto Maior,
US Matrix, Brasil

"Half a year ago we started with the full VoIP suite: switch, routing, billing. We are deeply impressed with the way everything is designed and every small detail is thought of..."

Comparing charts

It is often important to see the current profile of your traffic compared to the traffic several days or weeks ago. 5gVision charts are all about it.

  • You may compare charts for any objects or combinations (like Customers->Areas->Vendors), and any parameters.
  • You may choose from several preset comparison intervals, as well as set and remember your own intervals.
  • Charts from the past are shown in dotted lines and auto-refresh together with the main charts.

Preset and custom intervals

Most of the time one needs to see a chart for the last hour, day, or week. 5gVision has such frequently used intervals preset on an interval strip.

  • You may change the chart scale in one click by choosing one of the preset intervals.
  • Or you may choose any custom interval by clicking the "Cust" on the interval bar. Two calendars for the beginning and the end of an interval will pop up then.
  • The strip to the right from intervals is responsible for grouping. You may view your per-hour stats as is, or grouped by one day.

Chart zoom and drag

Zoom to any period in the past and drag your charts on the time scale.

  • Clicking and dragging anywhere on a chart canvas will produce a blue zoom area, clicking this area will fetch the exact interval chosen.
  • Right- or shift-clicking and dragging will move a chart to the left of to the right with the missing part auto-uploading.
  • Zooming is a convenient way to get to the very data interval you need: instead of manually selecting one full day 20 days ago, you may quickly request a standard 30-day period and then zoom into the very day needed.

Moving window stats

Most quality statistics like ACD, ASR, PDD are calculated on per-hour, or per-15-min basis. However, sometimes it may not be enough to notice a quick change in a parameter. 5gVision has both per-hour and per-window stats, the latter one calculated over the moving window of processed CDRs, rather than for a certain time period.

  • Another term for moving window stats is EMA (Exponential Moving Average). EMA stats show you parameter values over a short recent period, and thus can catch abrupt variations in quality parameters.
  • EMA-calculated statistical data is represented by a line on a Chart canvas, while per-hour statistics are shown as bars.
  • Most parameters in 5gVision are calculated as both per-hour and EMA. These two types of stats will correlate on a chart over the long run, like on a picture to the left, but EMA will show you quick changes in parameter values.

Cross-links from other modules

You may open a chart from most other statistical modules: Current stats, Reports, Alerts, CDRs, Disconnect codes, Active calls.

  • To open a chart, double-click any cell in a statistical table. A chart will show you the object and the parameter you clicked on.
  • Linking any tabular data to a chart provides a good visual representation of what is happening with a parameter over the long run.
  • For instance, you are looking at a profit report and see 72 hourly values for the last 3 days. Instead of examining each figure in a table trying to find any issues, you may double-click any cell, see a chart for the very 72-hour period, and then change a period if needed in one extra click.

Customizing charts

You may chose the color, thickness, gradient, time zone, or axis scale for you charts.

  • When viewing multiple charts, the system will try its best to choose a color for each chart to distinguish it from others. You may, however, make your own choices.
  • Right- or shit-clicking any color cell in Chart legend table will invoke a color and thickness menu.
  • Clicking the G icon in a chart menu will change the gradient of all charts.
  • The timezone strip will allow you to choose your local time, GTM or system-wide time for charts.
  • All charts may have just one axis, or may be split among 2 axes for better scaling of each chart.

All monitoring, switching, and billing products

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