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Benefits for a sales manager

"In our career, we have worked with many telecom solutions and we can say that no one ever provided us with such great raw power, functionality, flexibility, stability and superb support level..."

Kristiano Radic,
Fenice Telekom Grupa, Croatia

"5gVision commitment and ability to consistently deliver amazing analytic solutions continues to impress me. I appreciate their willingness to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction..."

Fadi A. Sleiman,
Vonex, Brasil

"...5gVision powerful and flexible rate management system makes working with rates convenient and effective..."

Quick reports

5gVision reports are among the quickest you ever saw. Getting daily traffic figures for the whole month for all Customers or Areas usually takes less than 5 seconds and does not depend on your traffic volumes.

  • Hierarchical structure - you may dig into the next level in object combinations like Customers -> Areas -> Disconnect codes.
  • Any reporting period plus grouping by hour, day, week, or month.
  • Jump from a Report to Charts or CDRs to see the exact records that were used to calculate the report.

Vendor rate import

Rates from vendors come in scores of different formats. 5gVision will automatically import all rate sheets attached to emails.

  • Auto-recognition of rate sheet columns.
  • Support for codes and area names split between two columns (country code + break code).
  • Support for compact code formats, for instance: 4412-4427,4429.
  • Convenient ways to check which rows from an original files were treated as a rate table.

Customer rate generation and rate amendments

Generating new customer rates, as well as changing areas and codes in a convenient manner may mean significant time changes while managing your VoIP business.

  • All possible changes to multiple rate plans can be done at once and all rate amendments will be dispatched automatically.
  • Groups of frequently changed areas and rate plans to quickly choose them for a new round of changes.
  • Rate amendments based on your own .xlsx templates.
  • Information on rate and code changes in the rate amendments.

Advanced rate analysis

Having all your rates in place is only part of a story. Quickly analyzing them for any recent changes may assure your profitability and open new opportunities.

  • Quick filtering and sorting of all your rate tables. Color indication of a rate state: expired, active, future.
  • View rates per individual codes, as well as grouped by area names.
  • LCR tables with unlimited depth for all or part of your vendor rates.
  • Compare rates over a certain interval, show only rates that changed during this interval, and raise alerts if customer rates need to be adjusted.

All monitoring, switching, and billing products